This topic relates to vFire Core 9.2.0, released in December 2014. You may also wish to view other new features, or the release notes in full.

New Features and Changes in vFire Core 9.2.0

vFire 9.2.0 includes the following new features and changes.

Watch the video for an overview of the new features, or select the links to find out more.






All software and documentation is now rebranded to reflect Alemba’s takeover of the development of VMware Service Manager


From this release, you will need a 9.2 License Key from Alemba.

You will not be able to use a 9.2.0 system without a new license key.

Dynamic Screens

Fields can be made available, depending on dynamically changing conditions. 

Depending on configurable rules, parts of the screen can be made hidden, read-only or optional until certain conditions are met, at which point they become visible, enterable or mandatory.

Report Builder Upgrade

The vFire Core reporting engine has been upgraded to Version 15.

Monitor Settings

You can now select a “first day of the week” for reporting purposes.

Incoming Email Settings

The options for reopening calls via incoming email have been modified.

Changes to supported platforms

Platform support has been added for SQL Server 2014