This topic relates to vFire Core 9.2.0, released in December 2014. You may also wish to view other new features, or the release notes in full.

Licensing for vFire Core 9.2.0

Before you start

You will not be able to use a 9.2.0 system without a new license key.

Previously you would have had a separate License Key for each module purchased but for 9.2.0 and going forward, Alemba will issue a single License Key for each installation. Your entitlement will remain the same but the key itself must be updated.

Please contact Alemba Support or your Account Manager to request a new License Key.

vFire Server Console Change

The License Tab on the Properties dialog box has been changed to accommodate a single License Key.

The VSM Properties dialog box is illustrated below.

You can see the new vFire Properties dialog box overleaf.


The new vFire Core Properties dialog box looks like this: