This topic relates to vFire Core 9.3.0, released in March 2016. You may also wish to view other new features or the release notes in full.

Issues Fixed in vFire 9.3.0

This release contains the following issue fixes.

Issue Number (internal ref in brackets) Functional Area Short Description Fixed in Version
Designer Resolved an issue with dynamic forms in the vFire Customer Portal when using Internet Explorer whereby hidden fields were not being unhidden as defined in their Rule conditions in Designer. 9.3.0
Resolved an issue preventing customization of the vFire Customer Portal to display Service information using the default screen template. 9.3.0
Designer In Designer, on Request screens the "Type" field settings do not contain the "Required" option. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Upgrade Resolved an upgrade error related to Saved Searches: " String or binary data would be truncated." 9.3.0
Search In the vFire Customer Portal 'Review/Past Current Incidents > Your Calls' search now only returns calls for which the logged in user is the customer or officer. 9.3.0
Reporting Exporting reports to Excel in XLSX format no longer results in misaligned columns. 9.3.0
Upgrade Resolved an upgrade error related to workflows: "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'REQUEST_NO' to data type int." 9.3.0
Reporting Exporting reports to Excel in XLS / XLSX format, that contain a large number of characters, resulted in an error and missing rows and columns. This has been fixed.
Note that XLS cell has a limit of 4096 characters and XLSX cell has a limit of 32768 characters. Exported data exceeding those limits will be truncated (this is a known limitation).
Event Management In Event Management, calls were not able to be created from an event mapping that has a default mapping set to 'Take No Action'. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Messaging API Call Create containing HTML was creating calls with unformatted HTML text in the Actions and Description fields. To enable these calls to accept HTML correctly a registry key has been added. When the system registry key "APIHTMLAsText" is set as "1" then the Description and Action fields accept HTML. The default "0" is for plain text. 9.3.0
Designer Fields with Access Security defined in Designer are no longer exposed to Officers lacking the correct access levels when they use the Copy function on the call/request/CI details window and then paste into Notepad. 9.3.0
SLM The SLA Target Time was incorrect when using SLM Start Tasks in workflow templates to activate the SLA events. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
IPK When an officer (who belongs to an IPK group) logs a call through the Customer Portal to another group, that call was visible to members of their IPK group in Calls Outstanding 'Your Groups Calls' if the 'Forward Internal' checkbox was ticked. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Services Resolved an issue that was causing the vFire services error "Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException" 9.3.0
Messaging Resolved an issue whereby if the "Preserve HTML Formatting in History" option is ticked in the Incoming Email Server settings, when a call/request is updated by incoming email, a notification email was not sent to the owning officers/group. 9.3.0
Messaging When the Admin setting "Email update on Note Added" is enabled, the owning officers/group were not receiving a notification email when a note was added to a call/request via incoming email if it contained an attachment. 9.3.0
Workflow Enhancements and fixes to workflow processing to prevent request workflows from stalling. 9.3.0
Survey Resolved an issue that was causing Survey Emails to not be generated. 9.3.0
Workflow In workflows, the New Request Task was not populating field values in the new request as expected. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Designer In Designer, if a request field is added to a task screen, dynamic rules were not working when configured to read a value from the request field. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Designer Dynamic rules were not working for request fields on some user created task screen sets. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Designer In Designer, when a Linked Field is added to a screen it was not retaining the Access Security settings from its parent screen. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Wrapper & Controls The Source value for requests has been made consistent when they're created from pre-creates via the Customer Portal or vFire Core. 9.3.0
Reporting Resolved a Report Designer issue when creating custom reports, that was causing the plain text field to only allow 4 characters in the text box when defining report parameters. 9.3.0
Event Management Resolved an issue causing the event log error "Unable to find Workflow #506707 in the database." Fix also extends to Calls and Tasks. 9.3.0
Dashboard The drill down function in Dashboards was not working under some circumstances. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Indexing Resolved an error which was filling event logs: Infra.Rules.TextIndexSQLBuilderBlocked.Execute ERROR: (Infra.Services.Core System #1 vFire) Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'IN_IS_WORDS_PK'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.IN_IS_WORDS'. 9.3.0
Customer Portal Customer Portal - HTTP 404 error when attaching file that exceeds attachment size limit has been fixed 9.3.0
API The WSTester has been updated with the following transactions: WorkflowAuthorizeAsync, WorkflowCreateAsync, WorkflowForwardInternalAsync, and WorkflowUpdateAsync 9.3.0
Upgrade Patch Tool was still creating a "\VMware\Service Manager" folder and placing some upgrade related files in it. This has been fixed. 9.3.0



Config Portability Sync lock removed from the config portability service. The issue of intermittent multiple threads has been resolved in the code. 9.3.0
Messaging Truncation of incoming emails was not working for plain text emails when 'Preserve HTML formatting in Call History' is selected in System Admin. This has been fixed. Also improved call/request history consistency when "Preserve HTML Formatting in History", "Attach email as text" and "Attach email as HTML" are selected/deselected. 9.3.0
Upgrade Resolved an issue that was causing database lockout during upgrade when a large amount of data was involved. 9.3.0


Database Oracle IN_SESSION_ALLOC syntax inconsistency has been fixed so the system now checks to see if the table exists before creating it after the drop statement. 9.3.0
Search Saved Searches were lost after upgrading Oracle systems. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Services Resolved an issue causing the event log error "Unique constraint (TEST.IN_APPLICATION_CACHE_PK) violated". 9.3.0



Workflow Intermittent issue of corrupt workflows fixed with a stored procedure to validate a request after it has been created. 9.3.0
Config Port Config Port import was failing with critical error "Input string was not in a correct format" when trying to import a custom field with { or } in the name. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
SLM SLM events were not activating when requests were logged with the "SLM Immediate" checkbox selected. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
SLM On the Workflow Template, in the SLM window, ticking "SLA Immediate" was not being saved unless an SLA was selected. This has been fixed. 9.3.0
Knowledge Base 'Directory' type knowledge articles (which are generated from files in the Knowledge directory on the server), now also include .docx files. When performing a Knowledge Search, these knowledge articles now appear in the results. 9.3.0
System Statistics Tool "SQL Server Memory Usage" and "SQL Server Page Usage" queries have been added to the Statistics tool. 9.3.0


Install & Upgrade The patch tool has been fixed so that there is no longer an error displayed when No is selected at the prompt to stop services. 9.3.0
Config Port Resolved a problem running Config Port when the Incoming Email setting for Truncation was included. 9.3.0
Reporting Resolved the error "IN_RBVIEWER.Populate.Error = Missing Connection or ConnectionString" which prevented big reports from being generated. 9.3.0