vFire Statistics Tool

This option allows users to troubleshoot problems, in conjunction with Alemba Support, by generating a report on their system statistics. The statistics may include metadata on system usage, summary statistics, vFire file versions and server version information. This information is used solely by Alemba for troubleshooting and improving the product, and cannot be used to identify or contact individual users.


The SQL database account configured for the vFire system must be granted VIEW DATABASE STATE permission for the vFire database, and VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the database server.

The vFire Statistics tool runs on all servers which have vFire systems installed and pointing to the same database as the system from the tool is run, and that have the vFire 9 Administrative Service running. Results from each of the servers are included in the report.

  1. Select and then Help. From the submenu, select vFire Statistics.
  2. The vFire Statistics window is displayed. The system statistics report is always sent to Alemba to gather statistics. Specify the Support email address. You can specify an additional email recipient address in this window if you wish further copies to go elsewhere.
  3. To generate the report, select Execute. A status bar reports progress, and when the report has been generated, it is sent via email to Alemba Support and any other email address specified. To cancel the report, select . You are informed that the report has been canceled. Select to close the window.
  4. To view a local copy of the report, it is stored on the server under vFire system directory in the Log folder.
  5. C:\Program Files\Alemba\vFire\YourSystemName\Log

Users can also participate in the development of the product by generating monthly system statistics which are submitted to Alemba and are then used to analyze usage patterns and identify and prioritize enhancements and new features. This is done in the System Settings window, and can only be instigated by the system administrator.