
Authentication is designed to ensure that only authorized people can access the system via credentials provided at login. Authorization is the process by which users' access and actions are restricted within the system, based on their login details.

Single Sign On allows users to access multiple applications without the need for multiple passwords.

You can find out more about the different uses and applications of Integrated Security and Single Sign On in Integrated Security v Single Sign On.

To learn about how to configure authentication in your system for the Alemba API, see Configuring Authentication for the Alemba API.

If you are using Windows Authentication, see Configuring Windows Authentication for the Alemba API.

If you are using Single Sign On, see Configuring Single Sign On using SAML for the Alemba API.

The vFire app, which was introduced in 9.8.1, uses the Alemba API, and uses the same authentication.

Single Sign On Using SAML

SAML is an identity federation standard language that enables SSO to access web applications with enhanced security. It limits potential risks by eliminating the need for extra web application passwords by establishing a trust between the vFire Application and the Organization's Federated Identity system(s).

You can find out more about configuring and using SSO with SAML in Single Sign-On using SAML.